Pharma Care Drugs Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:37:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pharma Care Drugs 32 32 Medication Safety for Pets Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:15:35 +0000 Medication Safety for Pets Read More »

(RxWiki News) You probably take steps to keep your medications out of the reach of children, but what about your pets?

Your pets can get into your medicine just as easily as kids. The problem? Pets’ bodies metabolize medications differently than humans, which can be harmful.

Here’s what you need to know about keeping your pets safe:

  1. Store all medications away from where your pets can access them (preferably in a closed cabinet). Don’t assume your pet can’t reach them. Even if medications are in a medicine bottle, if your pet can chew a bone, they can possibly chew through a plastic bottle.
  2. Be cautious about dropping medications on the floor.
  3. Always keep pet medications separate from human medications. The doses are typically different for pets and can cause your pet harm. If you have multiple pets, be sure to keep their medications separate, too. Accidentally giving a topical flea product meant for a dog to a cat can lead to life-threatening seizures.
  4. Be extra careful when disposing of medication patches — especially pain patches. If you throw used patches in the trash, your pet can easily get into the trash and ingest them.
  5. Over-the-counter medications often seem fairly safe for humans to take, but never give these to your pet. Even ibuprofen (Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can cause serious harm to your pet.
  6. Always give the dose as directed by your veterinarian. For example, do not buy a topical flea ointment for large dogs and split the dose for two smaller dogs. This can lead to an overdose.
  7. Don’t assume anything is safe for your pet. Even certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and iron, can be harmful to your dog.

If you are not sure, ask your veterinarian.

Symptoms of pet poisoning include but are not limited to:

  • Vomiting/diarrhea
  • Bleeding gums
  • Nosebleeds
  • Agitation
  • Seizures
  • Loss of appetite
  • Very tired
  • Blood in the stools

If you suspect that your pet has ingested any medication by accident, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435). Calling the Animal Poison Control Center may require a consultation fee.

When you call the Animal Poison Control or visit your veterinarian, be sure to have as much as information as you can. These details may include the following:

  • What was ingested and when
  • How much was ingested (how many pills, milligram strength)
  • Pet’s current weight
  • Pet’s known medical history (including a list of medications)

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We Answered Your Medication Questions Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:13:48 +0000 We Answered Your Medication Questions Read More »

(RxWiki News) You asked and we answered. Find out the answers to three common questions pharmacists receive.

1) What does it mean when you keep having sinus colds, even during the summer?

Having a cold can be quite a nuisance, but fortunately, there are many over-the-counter remedies to treat the symptoms. Proper hygiene, including hand-washing, covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing, and disinfecting common surfaces can help prevent the spread of the common cold and decrease the chance of infection.

In the case of having multiple “sinus colds” during a particular season, it may be important to determine whether you are experiencing a true cold (which is caused by a virus). It may actually be caused by allergies, which are caused by environmental factors. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing and determine the most likely culprit. That will determine the course of treatment and prevention.

In the case of allergies, there are many over-the-counter treatments, including antihistamines, intranasal steroids, decongestants and saline products. Speak with your pharmacist before starting any of those.

You can decrease your risk of having allergy symptoms by taking precautions during seasons when you are most affected. These precautions include the following:

  • Close your windows.
  • Dust surfaces and vacuum frequently.
  • Use a high-quality air filter and change it often.
  • Minimize time outside during seasons when you are most affected.

As always, talk to your pharmacist or doctor before starting any over-the-counter treatments to make sure they are safe for you. Medications like decongestants are not safe for patients with high blood pressure or thyroid conditions.

2) Which over-the-counter allergy medications do not cause drowsiness?

Over-the-counter medications that treat allergy symptoms are in a class of medications called antihistamines. Popular options are Claritin (loratadine), Zyrtec (cetirizine), Allegra (fexofenadine) and Benadryl (diphenhydramine).

All medications classified as antihistamines can cause drowsiness. The most sedating over-the-counter option is Benadryl. It can cause significantly more drowsiness than the other options.

Along with the oral medications like Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra, there are over-the-counter nasal sprays. These are used to treat allergic rhinitis and may be very helpful during seasonal allergy flares. Two over-the-counter nasal sprays are Flonase (fluticasone propionate) and Nasacort (triamcinolone acetonide). Neither of these medications cause drowsiness.

Consult with your doctor and local pharmacist before adding any new medications to your current regimen. Your health care providers will be able to offer a more tailored approach for your allergy treatment.

3) What do you recommend for poison ivy and sumac?

Many people develop a rash from poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. The rash is caused by an oil found in the plants. The itchy, blistering rash may begin 12 to 48 hours after coming in contact with the oil. Various over-the-counter treatments can help.

Rinse your skin immediately with lukewarm, soapy water after touching poison ivy, oak or sumac. Also, thoroughly wash all clothes that came in contact with the plant.

To prevent an infection, avoid scratching your skin. Additionally, you can take short, lukewarm baths in a colloidal oatmeal preparation (Aveeno).

Apply a cool compress to itchy skin. Calamine lotion can also relieve the itching. For a mild case of poison ivy, oak or sumac, you can use hydrocortisone cream.

Also, antihistamines like Benadryl can reduce itching. Benadryl can cause drowsiness, so do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how this medication affects you. Do not apply antihistamines to the skin — they can make the rash worse.

To prevent a rash from poison ivy, oak or sumac, avoid these poisonous plants.

Poison ivy grows as a small shrub or vine (depending on the region), and each leaf has three small leaflets. In spring, poison ivy leaves are reddish. During summer, poison ivy is green. During the fall, poison ivy is yellow, orange or red.

Poison oak grows as a shrub or vine. It is known to have fuzzy green leaves seen in clusters of three. Poison oak may have yellow-white berries.

Poison sumac grows as a tall shrub or small tree, and each leaf has clusters of seven to 13 smooth-edged leaflets. The plant may have yellow-greenish flowers and whitish-green fruits.

If your symptoms do not improve within seven to 10 days or you develop an infection, see a dermatologist. Ask your pharmacist or doctor any questions you have.

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How to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:12:32 +0000 How to Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet Read More »

(RxWiki News) There’s good fat and bad fat when it comes to your diet. Here’s how to get more of the good stuff.

Despite popular nutrition advice from decades past, fat isn’t all bad. In fact, the fats found in vegetables, nuts, legumes, and some oils and fish are actually healthy in moderate amounts.

But how do you know whether you’re getting more good fat or more bad fat? By trying out these tips for getting more healthy fat in your diet.

1. Opt for Whole Foods

Processed foods are high in unhealthy saturated fats and, in some cases, really unhealthy trans fats. But whole foods, on the other hand, are often chock full of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

To be clear, whole foods are foods that come to your pantry without changing forms. So, avocados, nuts, seeds and coconuts are whole foods that contain healthy fats, while bread and cheese are not.

2. Vegetable Oils, Not Butter

Butter is often the go-to fat source for cooking, but consider this: While butter is full of unsaturated fat, vegetable oils like olive oil, canola oil, grape seed oil, and avocado oil contain healthier fats and are just as good for cooking.

Using these vegetable oils in your cooking is a simple way to add more healthy fats and reduce unhealthy fats, and you’re unlikely to notice a difference in the look or taste of the food.

3. Nuts at Snack Time

Cashews, walnuts, pecans, peanuts and Brazil nuts are full of healthy fats. That makes them the perfect snack if you want to add more healthy fats to your daily diet.

The other benefit of snacking on nuts is that these foods come with lots of vitamins and minerals, making them a healthier choice than many sugary or salty processed snack foods.

4. Fatty Fish Over Red Meat

Fatty fish like salmon provides a healthy serving of healthy fats, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to all kinds of health benefits. While both fatty fish and red meat contain fat, red meat tends to contain much more saturated fat, while fish tends to contain the healthier fats in higher quantities.

5. Make Your Own Salad Dressing

If you eat a lot of salads, that’s great — you are likely getting lots of healthy greens and other vegetables. But you can make your salads healthier and tastier if you make your own salad dressing.

Instead of heavy, cream-based dressings that are packed with unhealthy fats, homemade dressing made from olive oil or a similar vegetable oil, lemon, vinegar, and herbs comes with a ton of flavor and a healthy amount of healthy fats.

Talk to your health care provider before making any major changes to your diet.

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Cancer Symptoms Men Might Miss Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:11:05 +0000 Cancer Symptoms Men Might Miss Read More »

(RxWiki News) Cancer can affect anyone, and that includes men. Below, we discuss seven cancer symptoms that men may overlook.

1) Unexplained weight change. If you lose more than 10 pounds without a change in exercise or diet, this could be a sign of a serious condition. Unexplained weight loss may be a symptom of certain types of cancer, but it can also be a symptom of certain digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome. If you lose more than 10 pounds without trying, speak with your doctor.

2) Feeling very tired all of the time. If you feel very tired no matter the amount of rest you get, this may be a sign of certain types of cancer.

3) Changes in the skin. Along with checking your body for lumps, it is important to keep an eye out for any changes on your skin. Certain skin abnormalities, including color changes, sores that don’t heal, excessive itchiness and unusual hair growth, can all be signs of a health problem like skin cancer. Furthermore, if you notice any of your moles or freckles change color, size or shape, or if they lose their sharp border, speak with your doctor right away. You can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by taking steps to prevent skin damage, such as covering exposed skin and reporting abnormalities to your doctor.

4) Changes in restroom habits. If you start noticing that you have to urinate more or less often than usual or experience pain when urinating, this could be related to certain types of cancer, such as bladder or prostate cancer. Other signs to look out for are blood in your urine or stool. Furthermore, if you have constipation or diarrhea that won’t go away, speak with your doctor. This could be a sign of colon cancer. It is best to report any changes in your bowel or bladder function to your doctor.

5) Unusual bleeding. Speak with your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Coughing up blood, which may be a sign of lung cancer
  • Blood in the stool, which can be a sign of colon or rectal cancer
  • Blood in your urine, which can be a sign of of bladder or kidney cancer

6) A lump in the breast or other part of the body, such as the testicles. Although breast cancer is more common in women, men can get breast cancer, too. If you notice any of the following, be sure to speak with your doctor:

  • A lump or swelling in the breast
  • Skin dimpling
  • Nipple turned inward
  • Redness or scaling of the nipple or breast skin
  • Discharge from the nipple 

Symptoms to look out for regarding the testicles include the following:

  • A lump
  • Testicles feeling swollen or extra heavy

7) Pain that does not go away. Whether you have back pain or headaches, it is important to tell your doctor if the pain persists. Pain can be a sign of several different problems, so do not wait to get it checked out.

Having one or more of the above symptoms does not necessarily mean you have cancer. And some of these symptoms are general and may be related to another condition. However, if these symptoms are constant and do not go away, it’s extremely important to have them checked out. Also keep in mind that this list does not cover all of the possible cancer symptoms.

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How to Add Fiber to Your Daily Diet Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:09:44 +0000 How to Add Fiber to Your Daily Diet Read More »

(RxWiki News) Lower cholesterol, healthy bowels, better blood sugar and healthy weight — that’s the potential power of dietary fiber. Here’s how to get more of it in your diet.

Fiber is often overlooked, but it’s an essential part of a healthy diet. Consider these five tips to make sure you’re getting enough fiber every day.

1. Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the primary natural sources of fiber, so you can make sure you’re getting enough fiber by making sure you’re getting enough fruits and vegetables.

Health officials recommend getting five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Take a look at your daily diet to see if there’s room to add more fruits and veggies to your plate.

2. Don’t Leave Out the Legumes

Lentils, beans, peas and other legumes are not just low-calorie and healthy foods. They’re also a delicious source of dietary fiber.

To get more legumes in your diet, consider using them as a replacement for meat for a couple of meals each week. Alternatively, use legumes like lentils to replace your usual starches, such as rice, in your favorite dishes.

3. Whole Grain, Not Refined

Bread and bread products are often made from refined fiber. The process of refining flour removes much of the fiber-containing outer hull of the grains used to make the flour. But that’s not the case if you choose the whole grain variety.

Check the packaging for any grain product you buy to make sure it’s whole grain. And remember that “multi-grain,” a common descriptor on bread products, is not the same thing as whole grain.

4. Reconsider Your Snacks

What do you snack on? If it’s anything other than fruits, veggies or nuts, you probably have room to switch up your snacks and get more fiber every day.

Instead of snacking on sweets or salty processed foods, snack on fruits, veggies and nuts. You’ll not only get more fiber, but you’ll get more vitamins and minerals.

5. Consider a Fiber Supplement

If you feel like you just aren’t getting enough fiber, you might want to consider one of several over-the-counter fiber supplements available in most pharmacies. These supplements are usually in capsule form or powder form. In any case, start slowly with any fiber supplement because it can be easy to overdo it.

Talk to your health care provider before making any major changes to your diet or daily supplements.

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What ‘Unprocessed’ Really Means Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:08:20 +0000 What ‘Unprocessed’ Really Means Read More »


(RxWiki News) Most people have heard discussions about “processed” vs. “unprocessed” foods. But what does that really mean?

In general, unprocessed foods are thought to be better for your health. However, there’s a fair degree of nuance and a whole lot more to understand.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about unprocessed foods.

What Are Unprocessed Foods?

Any food that has changed from its natural state is considered a processed food. By extension, an unprocessed food is a food we eat in its natural form.

Here are some examples of unprocessed foods:

  • Apples
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Spinach
  • Fish

And here are some examples of processed foods:

  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Cheese
  • Crackers
  • Hot dogs

Types of Food Processing

While any food that has undergone some sort of change is technically processed, there are degrees of processing to be aware of. Some foods can be more processed than others, and, in general, the less processed they are, the better for health.

Processing is inescapable for some foods that we still consider healthy. For example, olive oil has undergone processing. It begins as olives and is pressed and packaged to become olive oil.

Meanwhile, some beans have to be dried and some vegetables frozen in order to be preserved. While that is technically processing, it is considered minimal processing that has no real effect on the nutritional value of the food.

Foods like bread and canned fruit, vegetables and fish may all be thought of as processed foods. They typically are made of a handful of ingredients and don’t require any further cooking or processing in order to be edible.

On the far end of the spectrum, we have ultra-processed foods. These are foods that are so processed that they don’t even resemble any kind of whole food. For example, many sugary breakfast cereals have undergone several steps of processing before they reach store shelves.

Benefits of Unprocessed Foods

Eating fewer processed foods and more unprocessed foods can provide several benefits to your health:

  • Unprocessed foods tend to contain less sodium, sugar and unhealthy fat than processed foods. Diets low in sodium, sugar and unhealthy fats have been linked to broadly positive health outcomes.
  • Unprocessed foods tend to contain more fiber than processed foods. Fiber has been linked to bowel regulation, blood sugar control and weight maintenance.
  • Unprocessed foods tend to pack a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are essential to all kinds of vital processes in the body.

Are Unprocessed Foods Always Healthy?

Does that mean that all unprocessed foods are always healthy to eat? Absolutely not. Like anything, unprocessed foods should be eaten in moderation. For example, if you ate nothing but pumpkin seeds all day long, you would be eating an unprocessed food, but you might be getting too much fat or salt.

Meanwhile, eating too much fruit might mean that you’re consuming too much sugar. There are plenty of examples like this, but in general, opting for unprocessed foods over processed foods is thought to be the healthy approach.

Talk to your health care provider before making any major changes to your diet.

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The Hidden Salt in Your Diet Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:00:23 +0000 The Hidden Salt in Your Diet Read More »

(RxWiki News) The salt shaker isn’t the only way you’re getting a lot of sodium in your diet.

As it turns out, many foods contain sodium. And the amount of sodium in some of these foods can be surprisingly high.

Why does that matter? Because too much sodium in your diet may lead to increased blood pressure. And high blood pressure is linked to a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes and other serious health conditions.

The good news is that salt is a variable in your diet that you can control. You just have to know which foods contain the most sodium and avoid them — and go easy on the salt shaker, of course.

Below, we discuss some of the foods with the most hidden sodium.

1. Sandwiches

Even if you don’t add any salt to your sandwich, it may contain way too much sodium. That’s because of the individual ingredients in the typical sandwich, most of which are high in sodium. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a single sandwich can easily pack more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium — the daily suggested sodium limit for adults from the American Heart Association.

2. Canned Soup

If you were thinking about doing a soup and sandwich lunch, you may want to think again if you’re trying to lower your sodium intake. A single cup of canned chicken noodle soup can contain as much as 940 mg of sodium.

3. Pizza

For many, it’s hard to imagine eating just one slice of pizza. But even if you manage to limit your pizza intake to a single slice, you may still ingest as much as 760 mg of sodium.

4. Chicken and Other Poultry

All-natural chicken by itself isn’t going to be too packed with sodium, but when you get into processed chicken territory, you’re looking at a salty situation. According to the Cleveland Clinic, just 3 ounces of chicken nuggets can contain 600 mg of sodium.

5. Cold Cuts

Cured meats and cold cuts like turkey, bologna, salami, roast beef and pastrami can come with a ton of salt. For example, two slices of bologna can contain 578 mg of sodium.

6. Bread

This is one you might not expect: Bread can be a big-time offender when it comes to sodium. Bread, rolls and similar food items can pack as much as 230 mg of sodium per piece.

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How to Have a Healthy Barbecue Thu, 02 Jun 2022 20:17:45 +0000 How to Have a Healthy Barbecue Read More »

(RxWiki News) Summer is barbecue season, but barbecues aren’t always the healthiest events. Here’s how to make them healthier.

Check out these four key tips for healthier and safer summer barbecues.

1. Don’t Forget the Veggies

Meat is often the main event at barbecues, and there’s nothing wrong with some lean protein as part of a healthy diet. But too much red meat has been linked to all kinds of health problems, from heart disease to certain types of cancer.

Need a way to cut the meat consumption at your next barbecue? Don’t forget that veggies go great on the grill. Peppers, onions, mushrooms and more make for a delicious grilled addition to any meal. 

Don’t forget the fruit, either. Pineapple is a sweet and vitamin-packed mainstay of grilled fruits.

2. Watch That Flame

It’s that time of the year when the grill is smoking, the foods are sizzling and mouths are watering — but make sure your cookout doesn’t result in smoking more than just the burgers.

Before you light up the grill, make sure you have awater source nearby. Place a working hose or bucket of water in an easily reachable place near the grill and make sure your grill is far away from any flammable objects, such as outdoor walls, overhangs or patio railings.

3. Prevent Tummy Aches or Worse

To prevent foodborne illness at outdoor meals in the summer heat, follow some basic precautions.

Keep cold foods cold. Use an insulated cooler with plenty of ice to keep food at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Keep your cooler out of direct sunlight, and don’t open the lid too often. Leftovers should also be cooled as quickly as possible after a meal.

It may be a little harder to keep hands and utensils clean at a picnic, so pack wet washcloths, towelettes, or food-safe sprays to clean hands and surfaces.

4. Don’t Get Heated Up

In many areas of the country, summer temperature are really, really high. To prevent dehydration and heat exhaustion, wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Take a hat, sunglasses, or an umbrella for sun protection and a spray bottle filled with water to help you stay cool.

A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is the best choice to prevent sunburn. Reapply every two hours, especially if you swim or get sweaty. Apply to all exposed skin about 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside.

Remember to drink plenty of fluids, too. Water is the best choice — tea, coffee, sodas and alcohol can actually lead to dehydration.

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Stress-Free Summer Thu, 02 Jun 2022 20:16:42 +0000 Stress-Free Summer Read More »

(RxWiki News) Summer isn’t only about swimming and vacations — it can be a stressful time for many people. If you are stressed this summer, try these five tips.

Stress is part of everyday life. In fact, sometimes it’s normal and not all bad. It can actually motivate people to prepare or perform. For example, stress may boost your performance when you take a test. It can even save lives in some situations.

However, stress can negatively affect your health. It can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. If stress becomes chronic — meaning it lasts for too long — it starts to affect many systems in your body, such as your immune system. People under chronic stress tend to be more vulnerable to illnesses like the flu or common cold.

Over time, continued strain on your body from routine stress may lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Because no one’s life is completely stress-free, it is important to know how to manage stress this summer and all year long.

1) Learn Your Stressors

Learn your triggers, or stressors. Stressors may include family, work and relationships.

If you cannot pinpoint your stress, try writing in a journal when you are feeling stressed and then looking for a pattern. This can help you avoid stressors in the future. For example, if you know a health problem is stressing you out, speak with your health care provider. He or she can help you better manage your health and, as a result, reduce your stress.

By reducing your stress, you are, in turn, helping to prevent the negative toll stress can have on your health — a win-win.

2) Take Care of Your Body

Make sure you are eating well-balanced meals, getting enough sleep and exercising daily. Hunger can worsen stressful situations. Do not skip meals, and always have healthy, energy-boosting snacks on hand. In addition, avoid high-sugar snack foods. Instead, opt for vegetables, lean proteins, fruits and whole grains.

A lack of sleep can also compound stress. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night so your body and mind are well-rested. Also, try to limit alcohol and caffeine intake. These substances may aggravate stress or anxiety. Instead, try drinking more water.

Staying active is also an important part of reducing stress. When you exercise, the brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. Did you know dancing and golfing count as exercise? Find something you enjoy and aim for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Find an exercise partner to keep you motivated.

Be sure to ask your health care provider before starting an exercise program, as not all exercise programs are safe for everyone.

3) Do Something You Like

When you are feeling stressed, do something you enjoy, such as baking, gardening or dancing. This can help you relax and take your mind off of what’s stressing you out.

4) Relax

Meditation, yoga, tai chi and other gentle exercises are all relaxing activities that can reduce stress. Try to schedule regular times for these activities.

Also, try taking slow, deep breaths or slowly counting to 10. The best part about deep breathing is that you can practice this technique almost anywhere and at any time. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Sit still or lie down. Next, place one hand on your stomach and place your other hand over your heart.
  • Inhale slowly until you feel your stomach rise. Hold your breath for a moment.
  • Exhale slowly. Feel your stomach fall. Repeat.

If this doesn’t help, try taking a quick timeout to meditate or listen to music. Stepping back from problems and performing these relaxation techniques may clear your head.

5) Ask for Help

Stay connected with people you can count on for support. Ask friends and family members for help. Speak with a health care professional like a physician or therapist if you need professional help.

Everyone faces stress occasionally, but it can be managed. For more tips on how to manage stress, speak with your local pharmacist.

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Why Eat Organic Produce? Thu, 02 Jun 2022 20:13:59 +0000 Why Eat Organic Produce? Read More »

(RxWiki News) Should you be eating organic produce? Here’s what you should know.

Organic produce is grown without the use of pesticides — chemicals that keep bugs and other pests from damaging crops. Meanwhile, non-organic produce can be sprayed with approved pesticides and then sold in stores.

The problem? Some pesticides have been linked to serious health problems in humans. Here are just a few of the health problems researchers have linked to pesticide exposure:

  • Cancer
  • Harm to fetuses
  • Reproductive problems
  • Nervous system problems
  • Immune system problems

Fortunately, organic produce is free of these chemicals, so you have a clear way to reduce your exposure. But does that mean you should be paying higher prices for the organic version of every fruit or vegetable you buy?

Ultimately, that’s up to you, but you should know: Some fruits and vegetables have more pesticides than others. That’s why the Environmental Working Group has created the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen.

The Dirty Dozen are 12 fruits and vegetables that typically are sprayed with the most pesticides:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale, collard and mustard greens
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Bell and hot peppers
  8. Cherries
  9. Peaches
  10. Pears
  11. Celery
  12. Tomatoes

And the Clean Fifteen typically require the smallest amounts of pesticides:

  1. Avocados
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onions
  5. Papaya
  6. Sweet peas (frozen)
  7. Asparagus
  8. Honeydew melon
  9. Kiwi
  10. Cabbage
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Cantaloupe
  13. Mangoes
  14. Watermelon
  15. Sweet potatoes

There’s nothing wrong with the organic varieties of the Clean Fifteen, but if you opt for the non-organic versions, you’ll still be getting only a low amount of exposure to pesticides.

US government agencies do evaluate pesticides for safety, but some research has found that certain pesticides could have negative health effects over the long term.

Speak with your health care provider before making any major changes to your diet.

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